Dec 21, 2023

How Thesis Achieved Cost-Efficiency and Data Mastery with Chord

Why Thesis Made the Switch from Bloomreach to Chord

How Thesis Achieved Cost-Efficiency and Data Mastery with Chord

About Thesis

  • Founded 2017 - based in NYC.
  • Industry: Health & Wellness
  • Thesis is the world’s first personalized brain supplement brand. We understand that everyone's brains are unique and cognitive demands for daily tasks are constantly changing.

The Challenge

Data Disintegration

With multiple product lines, measuring metrics across both was an insurmountable task. This meant that analyzing customer retention between product lines was nearly impossible.

Unsatisfactory Data Solutions

Previous engagements with data solutions were either more expensive or failed to deliver timely results, affecting the brand's ability to make informed decisions and deliver personalized experiences.

We've tried various tools in the past, and while many excel in one area, they falter when you attempt to merge different metrics. With everything set up in Snowflake through Chord, we're now equipped to perform deeper analyses. Our team can swiftly obtain answers to complex questions that previously remained elusive. - Dan Freed, Co-Founder at Thesis

The Solution

Unified Data Environment

Chord provided a single Snowflake instance where data from both brands could be queried, offering clarity on metrics like retention and Lifetime Value (LTV).

Custom Integrations

Chord stood out by willingly creating custom integrations that the brand desperately needed but lacked the internal resources to execute.

Data-Drive Personalization

With data from quizzes and product reviews in one place, Chord set the stage for a more personalized online shopping experience, leading to better conversion rates and an enhanced customer experience.

The Results

30% Decrease in Costs

Chord delivers approximately 30% cost savings compared to competitors.

50% Faster Time to Market

Implementation was half the time of competitors - Thesis could move quickly and see value in half the time.

5X Increase in Decision Making

With unified data available, Thesis could uncover insights on the effectiveness of various channels and campaigns, and start delivering personalized experiences to customers.

Partnering with Chord transformed the way we approach our customers. Their platform not only streamlined our operations but also amplified our outreach, making personalization and scalability coexist seamlessly. - Dan Freed, Co-Founder at Thesis

Ready to get started?
Schedule a demo with our data & commerce experts