Jan 12, 2024

How Chord helped Caraway increase conversion and data clarity

How Caraway Increased Conversions by Over 20% with Chord

How Chord helped Caraway increase conversion and data clarity

Key Stats

  • 52% Site speed improvement
  • 20% Conversion rate increase
  • 35% Bounce rate decrease


  • Founded 2018 and based in New York City.
  • On a mission to craft well-designed, non-toxic ceramic cookware.
  • Went live with Chord in November 2021

Caraway was struggling with sluggish site speed (especially during peak traffic) and unorganized data. As the business grew, they had built out features and added apps without realizing the toll they were taking on performance and insight. After resolving to address these issues as quickly as possible, Caraway chose to integrate Chord’s headless front-end and data platform.

The Solution

We wanted to be better, quickly — and without hiring a ton of people. Chord has allowed us to do just that. — Jordan, CEO of Caraway

Caraway decided to implement both Chord's front-end SDK, which resulted in significantly-improved load times thanks to Static Site Generation, and Chord's Data layer, which meant all data — behavioral, transactional, and third-party — would be in one place and ready to act on.

The Result

Chord has meaningfully improved our business. — Jordan, CEO of Caraway

Thanks to the improvements to site speed and data clarity, Caraway has seen some impressive early returns on its Chord implementation.

Chord’s Static Site Generation means quicker page loads

52% improvement on page load times.

A more responsive site means more checkouts

Year-over-year comparisons show a conversion rate improvement of 20%.

Shorter load times means fewer bounces

Customers are sticking around longer thanks to a more responsive site — bounce rates are down 35%.

Ship more — and more often

Chord is purposefully designed by DTC experts to allow development teams to go farther, faster.

In addition to superior speed and better insight, Chord's focus on developer experience means Caraway can ship customer-centric features at lightning speed: Developers report a 10x improvement to their shipping velocity.

To learn more about how Chord can help increase site speed, conversion rate, and development velocity, book a demo now.

Ready to get started?
Schedule a demo with our data & commerce experts